Monday, September 04, 2006


So remember how I said that my gauge for the ribbing swatch was off, but I think I could finagle it?

Row gauge for ribbing swatch: 6.4 rows/inch
Row gauge for chart swatch, which I just finished tonight: 7.4 rows/inch

This would make a 2" difference in the lengths of a 96-row tube. I'm worried that
the gauntlets would therefore pucker or otherwise look weird if I tried to knit them with these gauges... *sigh*... Posted on the knitting lj community, hoping for help soon.

I got the awesome pretty yarn from my roomie. Took pictures, but everything's packed up to go cross-country right now so I can't get them onto my computer. Will post next week, methinks. Thinking that the Irish Hiking Scarf (posting from my boyfriend's computer so no access to that link right now, sorry) might be a good pattern for it, since I'd like to make something to give to my grandmother AND it would give me the chance to learn to make cables.

But that's for future. Right now I just need to focus on getting these darn gauntlets to WORK. Here's hoping that I'll be able to get some knitting done on the plane, if I so desire...

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