Sunday, April 16, 2006

How it all began...

This blog, I mean, not my knitting. Given all of the time and effort that went into the creation (specifically the titling) of this, I thought that it'd be fitting to start out with a record of the conversation that my friend and I had when trying to think up a good name for this thing.

fleurdiabolique (5:04:23 PM): hey, what's a good name for a knitting blog?

fleurdiabolique (5:04:30 PM): sticks and string is taken. :(

[friend] (5:04:36 PM): hmmm

[friend] (5:04:38 PM): *ponders*

[friend] (5:05:19 PM): Ah, she says. A challenge.

fleurdiabolique (5:05:30 PM): lol

fleurdiabolique (5:05:37 PM): wait, is that a title?

[friend] (5:05:41 PM): no. lol

[friend] (5:05:43 PM): ^_^

fleurdiabolique (5:05:49 PM): lol

fleurdiabolique (5:05:50 PM): jj

fleurdiabolique (5:05:52 PM): *kk

[friend] (5:05:56 PM): I guess it could be, but it wasn't intended as one. :-P

[friend] (5:06:07 PM): hmmmmm....*ponder ponder*

fleurdiabolique (5:06:15 PM): lol

[friend] (5:06:37 PM): Knitting Knews. :-P That would be stupid.

[friend] (5:06:37 PM): lol

[friend] (5:06:43 PM): Unless you want something REALLY straightforward.

fleurdiabolique (5:06:48 PM): lol

fleurdiabolique (5:06:51 PM): i'll take any suggestions

[friend] (5:06:55 PM): hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

[friend] (5:07:17 PM): Knitting Gnus! :-P

[friend] (5:07:22 PM): I have NO idea where that came from.

[friend] (5:07:23 PM): lol

[friend] (5:07:26 PM): Please disregard it.

fleurdiabolique (5:07:29 PM): lmao

[friend] (5:07:42 PM): lol

fleurdiabolique (5:07:42 PM): I have to say I'm tempted...

fleurdiabolique (5:07:43 PM): lol

[friend] (5:07:43 PM): *is odd*

[friend] (5:07:46 PM): hahahaha

fleurdiabolique (5:07:46 PM): but no one will get it


[friend] (5:08:19 PM): yeaaah...that would be odd. lol

[friend] (5:08:27 PM): I really wasn't serious

[friend] (5:08:44 PM): I mean, unless you found a picture of a knitted stuff gnu. ^_^

[friend] (5:08:48 PM): which would be freaking bizaree.

fleurdiabolique (5:08:57 PM): lol


[friend] (5:16:48 PM): Knitting Knook / Knit Wit(s) / Knit a non [anon?] (not sure of the point of that one, it just sounds okay) / Knit Pick (Knit Picking / Knit Picks) /

[friend] (5:16:55 PM): no GOOD ideas yet. Just those. Lol

[friend] (5:17:03 PM): I kinda like the Knit Wit(s) one

[friend] (5:17:04 PM): lol

[friend] (5:17:29 PM): depends on the point of blog, I guess. Is it to say what your'e working on/what's finished, just knitting themed/other?


fleurdiabolique (5:17:55 PM): It's more kind of a "this is what I'm up to with knitting right now" thing

fleurdiabolique (5:18:00 PM): because I am addicted to blogging

fleurdiabolique (5:18:01 PM): lol

[friend] (5:18:03 PM): ah, okay

[friend] (5:18:03 PM): lol

[friend] (5:18:09 PM): hehee. cute

[friend] (5:18:22 PM): "Knit Wit" still sounds funky. :-P

fleurdiabolique (5:18:26 PM): is taken :(

[friend] (5:18:31 PM): awww. phooey!

[friend] (5:18:36 PM): knitwitting!

[friend] (5:18:36 PM): lol


[friend] (5:20:28 PM): "Knitting Knomes"! Or "Gnitting Gnomes"!

[friend] (5:20:35 PM): link

[friend] (5:20:53 PM): Knit Kit!

[friend] (5:20:55 PM): *is on a role*

[friend] (5:20:57 PM): *roll

[friend] (5:21:07 PM): Not a very clever one, but a punny/stupid one! Lol

[friend] (5:21:14 PM): it's a roll nontheless.

[friend] (5:21:15 PM): :-P

fleurdiabolique (5:21:15 PM): Gnitting Gnus!

fleurdiabolique (5:21:16 PM): lol

[friend] (5:21:20 PM): hahahaha! I still love that one!

[friend] (5:21:21 PM): ^)^

[friend] (5:21:22 PM): * ^_^

[friend] (5:21:27 PM): Even though it doesn't make much sense

fleurdiabolique (5:21:33 PM): lmao

fleurdiabolique (5:21:36 PM): and it's available

fleurdiabolique (5:21:40 PM): ...because it is nonsensical

fleurdiabolique (5:21:41 PM): lol

[friend] (5:21:45 PM): HAHAHA, really?! That's awesome!

[friend] (5:21:48 PM): It totally makes sense.

[friend] (5:21:53 PM): Anyone can figure out that Gnus is news.

[friend] (5:21:54 PM): lol

fleurdiabolique (5:22:05 PM): lol

[friend] (5:22:26 PM): should knit a gnu JUST to post a pic so it makes sense. ^_^

[friend] (5:22:32 PM): *is half kidding.* :-P

[friend] (5:22:52 PM): Knit Wit Gnus!

fleurdiabolique (5:22:53 PM): lmao

[friend] (5:22:54 PM): Lol

[friend] (5:22:58 PM): I'm having too much fun, aren't I?

fleurdiabolique (5:23:08 PM): you're amusing me, so it's all good ;)

[friend] (5:23:12 PM): heehee.

[friend] (5:23:17 PM): Knit Wit News, maybe. Or something.

[friend] (5:23:38 PM): I like the wit because it's like you're crazy over your knitting, and it means wit too, like clever or something. :-P

[friend] (5:23:39 PM): It's cute

[friend] (5:23:49 PM): ...not that you can't tell that yourself, obviously. lol

fleurdiabolique (5:23:59 PM): lol

fleurdiabolique (5:24:04 PM): knitting knewbie

fleurdiabolique (5:24:05 PM): lol


fleurdiabolique (5:25:20 PM): Yarn Yarns!


[friend] (5:25:28 PM): heehee!

[friend] (5:25:30 PM): I bet that's taken

fleurdiabolique (5:25:34 PM): dammit, not available

[friend] (5:25:39 PM): I figured


fleurdiabolique (5:26:11 PM): DAMMIT

fleurdiabolique (5:26:17 PM): and it's like, a week old!

[friend] (5:26:17 PM): Knitting on the Brain


fleurdiabolique (5:28:50 PM): knice knitting?

[friend] (5:28:55 PM): heehee

fleurdiabolique (5:28:58 PM): i still think i prefer gnitting gnus to anything

fleurdiabolique (5:28:59 PM): lol

[friend] (5:29:03 PM): eeeeeeh...something's weird about the nice spelling that way

[friend] (5:29:06 PM): otherwise I'd like it

[friend] (5:29:07 PM): heehee.

fleurdiabolique (5:29:07 PM): i mena, out of the stuff that hasn't been taken

[friend] (5:29:13 PM): Knit Witting Gnus!!!!!!

[friend] (5:29:14 PM): Lol

fleurdiabolique (5:29:18 PM): or knitting knewbie

fleurdiabolique (5:29:19 PM): oooh!

[friend] (5:29:21 PM): Yeah, Knitting Gnus is cool

fleurdiabolique (5:29:26 PM): knitwit knewbie!

fleurdiabolique (5:29:27 PM): lol

[friend] (5:29:28 PM): won't be a newbie forever, though

[friend] (5:29:30 PM): heehee

fleurdiabolique (5:29:31 PM): yeah i know

fleurdiabolique (5:29:48 PM): knitster

[friend] (5:29:53 PM): heehee

fleurdiabolique (5:29:55 PM): taken

[friend] (5:29:59 PM): Go with Knitting Gnus! Do it! Lol

fleurdiabolique (5:30:12 PM): naw, but it has to be spelled the same

[friend] (5:30:13 PM): and find a picture of a gnu and a picture of knitting stuff and make a funky image!

[friend] (5:30:26 PM): oh, sorry, Knitting Knus! Or Gnitting Gnus!

[friend] (5:30:29 PM): or soemthing.....that just sucked. lol

[friend] (5:30:34 PM): Knitting Gnus works....

fleurdiabolique (5:30:42 PM): lol

[friend] (5:30:43 PM): Knit Witting Gnus still sounds neat to me. Or Knit Wit Gnus

[friend] (5:30:45 PM): ^_^

[friend] (5:30:50 PM): Knit Wit Gnus

fleurdiabolique (5:30:53 PM): i think that that's a bit too much

[friend] (5:30:58 PM): lol

[friend] (5:31:03 PM): I like that last one. Knit Wit Gnus

[friend] (5:31:08 PM): EVERYONE has a two word name

fleurdiabolique (5:31:12 PM): I Like To Knit!

[friend] (5:31:19 PM): lol

[friend] (5:31:22 PM): SOOOOOOOO taken

fleurdiabolique (5:31:23 PM): it's not taken

fleurdiabolique (5:31:24 PM): lol

[friend] (5:31:30 PM): really? Meh. It's kinda boring, though

[friend] (5:31:30 PM): lol

fleurdiabolique (5:31:33 PM): yeah, i know

fleurdiabolique (5:31:40 PM): knitpicking?

fleurdiabolique (5:31:47 PM): taken

fleurdiabolique (5:31:49 PM): *sigh*

[friend] (5:31:55 PM): HAHA. I don't know . It just popped out of my fingers.

[friend] (7:52:15 PM): Lol

fleurdiabolique (7:52:18 PM): lol

[friend] (7:52:20 PM): I swear I didn't even think it. O.o

[friend] (7:52:49 PM): heehee...I like it though. *giggle*

fleurdiabolique (7:52:52 PM): lol

fleurdiabolique (7:52:54 PM): yes dear

[friend] (7:53:01 PM): *is tired and more easily amused*, three hours of conversation and probably twenty or thirty name suggestions later, the title of this blog was henceforth decided to be...

Knitting. Yay!

...yeah. I got kinda tired. ;)

I promise to create a post with actual substance soon.

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