Sunday, June 25, 2006

Another week missed...

...this time due to an awesome road trip with teh boyfriend. Sorry about that.

Not much knitting done on said road trip, unfortunately...

I have one row of invisible (purled) increases and one row of p2 tog tbl decreases left. Then on to color switching!

In other news, my summer roomie is apparently a knitter too! She has like six HUGE bags of yarn. It is awesome. She's been knitting for longer than I, but we may be at about the same skill level in a sense because she says she can't make anything that's not rectangular as of yet and I have some confidence that I could make shapes (yay increase/decrease practice!).

Sunday, June 11, 2006


See title of post. Very little knitting done. Even when studying for finals I haven't been able to manage it, as I did when studying for midterms. If I'm anywhere near my computer I just get too distracted.

So. Working on m1p. It left HUGE holes in the fabric sometimes, for some reason that I just can't identify (it seemed to work well other times...). Also working on ssp. Haven't actually tried that yet. Looks fairly straightforward, but I'm finding that the straightforward-looking things end up being complex and the complex things end up being simple, so we'll see.

And yet again, MORE PATTERNS! ...I'm never going to manage to actually do all of these...


I just think that this looks really cool... plus people will go wacko when they hear I knitted it. *g*

Saturday Market Bag

Practically everyone on the knitting LJ community has been making this. It always comes out looking good. And heck, I can always use more bags...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Georgia knitting, and another pattern

Missed the weekly update last week because I was in Georgia at my cousin's wedding. My grandma was there and she was so thrilled to see me knitting... it was great. As soon as I brought out the needles she was like, "I want to watch you knit!" I was amused. I'll have to knit something for her now; I'm sure she'd love that.

Did a bit of knitting on the plane and in Georgia, but not much because I also had to try to do schoolwork while traveling and attending a wedding (needless to say, I've been playing catch-up this week). Managed another couple rows at an improv show that I attended with my boyfriend on Friday night. I've just finished the purl bar increase and am about to finish up p2tog. Then on to m1p and ssp.

And, again, I've found a pattern that I just have to make someday...

Circular Shrug/Vest (.pdf)