Sunday, September 24, 2006


Well, I knitted (knit?) 2 more rows today. OMG the chart is freaking hard!!! I can do all of the stitches, but it's difficult to do them neatly/well/quickly when I'm working on DPNs... other needles keep getting in the way! It doesn't help that my stitches are really tight in that section, either. Oh well...

I FINALLY uploaded pictures so that this post can at least have a semblance of substance to it. First, pictures of the two swatches that I did for the gauntlets:

Dragon scale gauntlets swatch 1 Dragon scale gauntlets swatch 2

And here's a closeup of the stitch pattern from the chart swatch... it's hard to see, though. (It's tricky to see in person, too... I'm hoping that it comes out better in the actual gauntlets.)

Dragon scale gauntlets swatch 2b

I took a picture of the gauntlets in process (all ten rows of the left one), but for some reason it didn't upload. Maybe next week.

Also, here's a couple of pictures of the yarn that my summer roomate gave me. Isn't it purty? It's an acrylic/wool blend. I'm going to make a scarf for my grandma, and maybe the DNA Scarf for one of my parents if I have enough left over (who am I kidding, it's a HUGE amount of wool!).

yarn yarn

...and that be all for this week. Hopefully in the coming days I'll start to knit again... I have a lecture class that I don't know if I'll need to take notes in, and a looong boring lecture thingie on NCAA eligibility to attend Tuesday that I'll DEFINITELY be taking the knitting to...

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Two rows in the past week. I'm off the ribbing and into chart repeat #1. But very little knitting time, as I'm sure you can guess.

Bought a pair of #9 Clover straights from Michael's because I had a 50% off coupon. Was hoping to score a set of interchangeables, but they didn't have any.

That's about all I've got to say for this week.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Slow going.

So people on Livejournal said that different row gauges shouldn't make a huge issue. If they do, I can always do short rows. (Wheee. *rolls eyes*) Cast on on the plane home on Tuesday. DPNs are MAJORLY fiddly. Eek. Now that I'm about five rows in (still doing ribbing) it's a little better. My first couple of rows look like the stitches are very loose at the join. I'll probably try to sew it up with the tail during finishing rather than frogging it.

No pictures of swatches or new yarn yet. Too busy. ;)

I'm itching to get to a consignment shop and buy a sweater to unravel for yarn. Call it my new mini-obsession. I was going to use a sweater that I have, but it looks like the seams are heavily overstitched, and my reference says that that could mean that the stitches were cut at the ends -- therefore no good for unraveling. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to tell whether the seams on a given sweater are good or not... perhaps it'll just have to be trial and error.

Monday, September 04, 2006


So remember how I said that my gauge for the ribbing swatch was off, but I think I could finagle it?

Row gauge for ribbing swatch: 6.4 rows/inch
Row gauge for chart swatch, which I just finished tonight: 7.4 rows/inch

This would make a 2" difference in the lengths of a 96-row tube. I'm worried that
the gauntlets would therefore pucker or otherwise look weird if I tried to knit them with these gauges... *sigh*... Posted on the knitting lj community, hoping for help soon.

I got the awesome pretty yarn from my roomie. Took pictures, but everything's packed up to go cross-country right now so I can't get them onto my computer. Will post next week, methinks. Thinking that the Irish Hiking Scarf (posting from my boyfriend's computer so no access to that link right now, sorry) might be a good pattern for it, since I'd like to make something to give to my grandmother AND it would give me the chance to learn to make cables.

But that's for future. Right now I just need to focus on getting these darn gauntlets to WORK. Here's hoping that I'll be able to get some knitting done on the plane, if I so desire...